Organic Pea Shoot Microgreen Seeds

Organic Sunflower Microgreen Seeds



Organic Sunflower Microgreen Seeds

Sunflower Microgreen Seeds have got to be one of our favourites. They grow big, meaty substantial crops that have a nice crunch and a pleasant nutty flavour. We use them as a base for most of our salads and are an excellent bang for your buck. They are incredibly easy to grow and will provide produce in 12-17 days.

Growing Tips:

  • A simple container with drainage holes or seed tray is ideal.
  • Soak seeds in water for 4-8 hours and scatter them in a thick layer on growing medium pressing them firmly down.
  • Water once per day thoroughly.
  • Harvest as soon as the first 2 leaves open with scissors, rinse, shake dry and store excess sprouts in fridge.


  • Nutty
  • Juicy
  • crunchy

Health Benefits:

Organic sunflower seeds are rich in chlorophyll, enzymes, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B complex, C, potassium, magnesium and also these organic sunflower seeds offer the trace elements zinc, manganese, Niacin, copper, phosphorus and chromium. These aid in regular wear and tear of body and cell repair. 40 times greater concentration than a full grown vegetable. Improves cholesterol and blood sugar levels, supports bone, skin and hair health, promotes weight loss and manages hypertension.

Complementary Dishes:

An excellent garnish or ingredient for most soups, meat or salad dishes, stir fry and smoothies.


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